Friday, August 31, 2012

Did you remember the Whiskas?

So it's been a while since I posted and I'd love to say that's because I have been busy pickling crates of home grown vegetables whilst single-handedly installing a solar-powered Zombie-proof electric razor wire fence.  Sadly the truth is more mundane and less "Preppy" and involves boring words like "work" and "Gastro"

During this hiatus though I have been giving lots of thought to the subject of "Won't somebody think of the children!   or, more correctly..the Pets!"  because when TSHTF and you have to bug-out or bunker down - have you remembered pet food and, in our case, all the hideously expensive medicines that keep our ancient Cavalier King Charles Spaniel alive? 

Pet Food is important, because your cat WILL eat you if you haven't got any...seriously.  And if your cat is anything like ours she will whine and whinge when hungry so loudly even Zombies who have had their ears gnawed off couldn't fail to hear her.  And also cats wander, they sneak about, they kill things.  They GO OUTSIDE and probably bring that nasty old undead infection back with them!

So you will probably end up with this crawling up the bed clothes toward you ...


...of course would NEVER happen because cats are assholes.

I actually Googled for images of Zombie cats (There's a million of them) but couldn't find one image of a Zombified Cavalier King Charles....

This is the closest I could get -
