Friday, October 5, 2012

How Fast can a Zombie Run?

So I tried on my bathers the other day...It was not pretty. 

Three years of almost no exercise has turned me from a slim and fairly fit PoleDancing/Ju Jitsuing/Runner into something...not so much!  It's not that I weigh much more than I used to..its just it's all gone kinda...saggy. 

This (and several nights watching waaay too many episodes of The Walking Dead) led me to wonder "Am I fit enough to survive a Zombie Apocalypse?"

So of course I turned to the internet to find out.  I started with this site for a fairly general discussion -

There were some interesting discussions regarding types of Zombies, Rigor Mortis and lactic acid buildup in dead versus live muscles but in the end I didn't feel much the wiser. 

So next I sought some tips from Zombieland - These Survival Rules were pretty good actually although not all related to fitness -

Next I Googled Zombie Workout and OMG the number of people who have really put some effort in here is just astonishing!

Here is just a sample:

  Zombie Fit  This website uses what my son describes as "the manly French martial art of running away" or Parkour to gradually increase what it describes as your "Fitness for the Apocalypse"

 Zombie Workout  - Written by a self-described Television writer who throws amazing cocktail parties.  It chronicles her on-again off-again attempts to get fit to survive the Zombie apocalypse and I must admit I really related to her inability to actually blog regularly or do enough to prepare for the coming armageddon.  She's making good progress now though.

"How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse"  at NerdFitness is by far my favourite - nicely designed, funny and easy to read and full of good, solid info!

The other good news is that even if you are out of shape and lacking the motivation to get ZombieFit THERE IS AN APP FOR THAT!  I kid you not!

"Zombies, Run!" is a mobile phone running game that turns your boring jog into a matter of life or Un-death!  It is now available for Android as well as I-Phone users and I am off to the App store to buy me a copy!!!  I'll do a review once I have started using it as well as give updates on how I am doing on the path to recovering my Zombie Survival Fitness!!!

Updated 14 December 2012
Sorry I've been absent (again!) But I have actually been doing a spot of prepping, a smidgion of Zombie research and a whole lot of running!  As promised I bought theZombies, Run! App and gave it a whirl.  It was AWESOME!!!  And then I got bursitis in my knees (or, more glamorously, Housemaids Knee) which sucked as I had to wait for weeks before I could run again.  I am now tentatively back on the treadmill, literally, as it was attempting to run in the real world that buggered me knees in the first place.  The app is more fun when you are running through a semi-deserted University in the late afternoon but even on the treadmill it makes the grind of exercise really cool. I am now up to running about 4.5kms three times a week and I'm doing weights twice a week (Cardio,cardio, cardio!!) and it is sooo good to be feeling vaguely fit again.  I'm also having 4 weeks off over Christmas so I will have lots of time to keep up the regime, start my canning and dehydrating and continue with my quest to survive TEOTWAWKI (pity there's only a few days left...)  You can follow my ZombiesRun journey online if you have any interest...

Next post will be sooner I promise - possibly a drunken one on the eve of the Mayan End Times 21/12/12!!!