Sunday, September 8, 2013

Limping towards Armageddon...

Me, running with bursitis on my knees
Sorry I've been absent (again!) But I have actually been doing a spot of prepping, a smidgeon of Zombie research and a whole lot of running!  As promised I bought the ZombiesRun! App and gave it a whirl.

 It was AWESOME!!!  And then I got bursitis in my knees (or, more glamorously, Housemaids Knee) which sucked as I had to wait for weeks before I could run again.

I am now tentatively back on the treadmill, literally, as it was attempting to run in the real world that buggered me knees in the first place.  The app is more fun when you are running through a semi-deserted University in the late afternoon but even on the treadmill it makes the grind of exercise really cool.

I have also been working on another Blog - because not posting on two blogs is not enough - I need more commitment to feel guilty about failing.

And now for some Zombie related news from around the globe

5 best places to hide from Zombies in the US

Friends survive together with My Little Pony themed armaments

A comic book for zombie survival