Thursday, October 27, 2016

Where the hell have you been?

So you go away from Blogging for a while (24+ months) and a damn Reality TV Show happens...

I haven't been entirely idle since last posting on here...progress has been made in my journey to Prep like a Motherfucker.

Fitness - well this goal has been patchy to say the least. Many false starts and good intentions, BUT I am now starting to get there. I'll do a proper post on that little journey soon.

Self defense - this is one area where I can truthfully say I haven't been a slack arse. Archery! Enjoying the hell out of this new(ish) hobby. Started in October 2014 and have been going ever since. Bought a lovely take down hunting recurve Samick Sage bow and I'm working hard to master learn the art of instinctive archery.  I joined a Club and the Duke made me a full size target for my birthday.

Stockpiling - We've been working on increasing our storage space as this has been the biggest issue for any true preparations. Sheds have popped up all over the place, a caravan for the eldest kinder and a Studio underway as well. Actual stockpiling? Not so much.

Self-sufficiency - water tanks still just a distant dream. Vegie patches productive. New chickens and egg production is full steam ahead.

Practice - I finally completed the Walking Dead Game! And have Wyrnwood, Road of the Dead
on my to watch list.  I am also very excited about this - Zombies, Run handbook!

So that's the Brodies notes on the missing months.

Oh ..and we also have a new puppy! The beautiful Cadbury passed away in February 2014 after 13 years of faithful, smelly companionship. We lasted until August and then I cracked and bought Cleo...the Basenji. Well that's been a learning curve!  The positives..well puppy!  Also no doggy smell, no shedding, no barking and highly intelligent.  The negatives?  Well puppy! Very very willful breed, they learn commands super quickly and then decide not to follow them almost immediately! Many can climb like cats (thankfully not Cleo) and are master escapologists. We are completely besotted so expect many more posts and photos.. I'll try not to be too gushy....

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