Friday, May 18, 2012

Know Your Zombie!!!

Zombie Identification Chart
Oh if only it were this simple!

So, why Zombies?... I hear you ask (as you shuffle akwardly backwards and try not to make eye-contact)  Why not some other, more likely apocalypse?  Lets face it, in the last few years we've had imminent economic collapse, pig AND chicken flu pandemics, earthquakes and exploding volcanoes, impending comets and 2012 (was *) the supposed end of the Mayan calendar - all far more likely contendors for DOOM than Zombies, surely?

Well if one prepares for a ZOMBIE apocalypse then one has all the other possible apocalypses covered doesn't one? (and one should really stop referring to oneself in the third person cos it makes One... me sound crazy)  I mean did you know that the American Centre for Disease Control agrees with me about this?  If you are ready for Zombies then you are ready for anything right?

Damn tooting!  But, getting away from that slightly sane, this is all a good natured, we're all in on the joke lark -  where and when are Zombies most likely to arise?

Good question! - I AM glad you asked! 

Here are the most likely current contenders:

Zombie Snails -
Bird droppings into our water supply... it could happen!

Zombie Fungi - Mutations occur people!!! (Also this one is narrated by David Attenborough and, I don't know about you, but quite frankly that man's voice could make me believe in anything)

Malaria & sleeping sickness also have several strains that could potentially spawn a Zombie outbreak (Google them if you dare - add the word Zombie)

Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease -  This one is particularly close to my heart - having lived in the UK just prior to this hitting the news - the Red Cross don't want my blood, in case I am Zombie Patient Zero! (They want yours though - seriously - go donate you slacker!!)

And finally - this one is really tragic and VERY weird -
Nodding Disease:

So - what does this tell us?  That a Zombie outbreak is possible?  That we don't know really what is just around the corner?  That Science geeks have too much time on their hands? - Possibly - just look at this web-site:     or it may be that this spotty science nerd is all that stands between you and extinction (and having your brain consumed by blood-crazed monsters and that nice Mrs Johnson from next door)

One day, maybe soon, an obscure Blog such as this may herald the future:

And on that cheerful note I leave you with this:

*They have apparently found a whole new one that debunks that - coincidence???? My Tin Hat tells me No!! - but then my Tin Hat tells me a lot of things...mostly Kill them..Kill them all ..umm wait...did I just say that out loud? Hahahah Joking!!! Yeah.....

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