Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Taking stock...

I used to be a "Prepper"  Or at least, a "Semi-Prepper"  Which is kinda like a Prepper, but without the guns, bug-out spot or bunker (see previous post).   What I did have was a serious case of Pandemic paranoia and a laundry full of about 6 weeks worth of food and medicine.  That was during the height of the first Avian Flu scare in 2006.  Since then my paranoia has remained high but my supplies have sadly dwindled. Not to mention my family has doubled in size (step children) and a new husband.

This is all that's left:

A few respirators and some extremely out of date Tamiflu (Best before Nov 2007) and one slightly mangled box of useless paper surgical masks.  This is not going to cut it!

Preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse is not so easy when you live in the middle of the city and have sod all spare cash.  If I was uber-rich I would simply buy into one of these  and hope like hell that none of my fellow 1 per centers was bitten on the way in. But given I am one of the 99% (aka Zombie fodder) I will have to get creative to survive.

Of course the good thing about this whole situation is that I am not alone in my craziness.  Tin Foil Hats are the new black in 2012.  Thus re-inventing the Anti-Zombie chainsaw - Katana is not necessary - there are sites all over the Internets dedicated to surviving ANY kind of apocalypse.

Let's start with a few shall we?

A list of Survivalist web-sites includes Websites with names such as "Prepared Christian" and "Viking Survival" (I know which Team I'd rather be on!)

American Blog (Northern California) that describes itself as follows:
"Many of us cannot or will not move out to rural northern Idaho in order to increase our chances (nothing is a guarantee) of survival in a SHTF scenario. For the suburban prepper, the goal is to minimize the impact on your family while maintaining sufficient food stores, home protection and maximizing your chance of being ready for the next quake, flood, economic collapse, riot, bird flu outbreak or dirty bomb that happens to come our way."
(Ed:  What No Zombies?????)

Mungo says Bah - A personal Favourite - although not strictly a "Prepper" site - more of a mad Canadian McGuyver.

BUT the one I am checking out tomorrow is this one - as being the most relevant for my own situation:  ie living in Australia with no 2nd amendment.

On a final note - my son made me play the Walking Dead Game - Dead Reckoning the other night - I got eaten, a lot.  And then I was too scared to play anymore.  So my self-image as the poster girl for impending DOOM took a bit of a hammering...

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