Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bugging out!

Tomorrow I have to drive down south - to the country!!- for various not very happy family matters. 

A sojourn out of urban surrounds is making me ponder that all important facet of Zombie Survival - the Bug Out Spot.

Once upon a time I HAD a bug-out spot - bought and paid for (well the pathetic % that the Bank didn't own, but you know what I mean).  And then my marriage broke up and I kept the suburban "dream" and he kept the country "safe haven" and only our mutual offspring now have the benefit of both (spoilt little buggers!) 

Western Australia is actually quite tricky when one is looking for a safe haven (Zombie wise that is)  Admittedly we have no bears or cougars (not counting Drop Bears which may or may not exist - a bit like Zombies people!) but also we have no bloody water!  We cling to the edges of this continent and pretend that it is able to support us all...those little green corridors that line this huge island continent - like a sad verdant valance on a dry desert bed.  But when you look at the possible escape areas - not much room to maneuver. 

It's funny reading American (North) survivalist sites - particularly those from Texas - the BIG US State  - do you know how many times Texas fits into Western Australia? 

This many times: 8.3424904 times

That's quite a lot of times.  But MOST of WA is not very hospitable for (most) of us.  So where would YOU go in a SHTF scenario?  You have to get away, there has to be water, the possibility of growing food, aka arable land, it has to be remote enough to avoid the rush of starving unprepared people and shuffling hordes of Zombies?  Where in WA (or your state/county etc)  do you think would be a) within driving distance in a crises situation  b)able to support life c) not so full of rednecks that you'd suddenly find yourself married to your own sister with a son called Cletus?

Not so easy is it?  I will checking out possibilities this weekend.  More to come.

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